By becoming a sponsor you will be making a very important contribution to this exciting annual event and will be helping to ensure its ongoing success. Sponsors are entitled to:
Priority booking for Festival events which opens on April 1st. Public booking opens on May 1st.
An advance copy of the printed Festival programme complete with your advertisement
Addition to our mailing list for the latest Festival news
Inclusion on the Festival website
Attend the Friends and Sponsors drinks reception before the opening concert
Become a sponsor
There are two possible ways of being a sponsor. As last year, premium sponsors will receive a half page advertisement and their logo in the printed festival programme (the first to sign up will get the more prominent inside covers) and regular sponsors will receive a quarter page. Your advertisement will also appear with hyperlinks on the festival website.
The annual cost of Festival sponsorship is £100 for a premium sponsor and £30 for a sponsor. If you would like to help in this way please fill in the form below and post it with your remittance to: Stogumber Festival, c/o Elaine Watson, 10, Deane Close, Stogumber, TA4 3TE. We will contact you later for artwork for the programme but please e mail your details for the website to stogumberfestival@gmail.com Thank you very much for your valued support.
I/we would like to become a sponsor of the Stogumber Festival. I enclose my cheque for £100 (Premium sponsor) / £30 (Sponsor). Delete as appropriate.
Name(s) ______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Email address _______________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________________________________
Mobile ______________________________________________