Jemima Farey

Jemima won the open mic competition for young talent at Halsway Manor on April 4 and her prize is to support Steve Knightley's concert.
Jemima Farey is a Folk musician and singer-songwriter from Somerset who, having grown up in a house constantly filled with music, has undoubtedly been influenced by Folk and Country styles from a very young age.
Performing live as a solo act, Jemima is a true and captivating performer, incorporating themes into her music such as family, loved ones and cherished places. At the age of just 17 she released her debut album, Good Days, with Barn Door Records, demonstrating her ability to write meaningful and poignant ballads as well as lively and sometimes humorous songs.
Her uncomplicated yet delicate guitar work provides the perfect accompaniment for her strong and mesmerising voice that has been described as ‘soaring most confidently-almost frighteningly’(FATEA).
Fundamentally, what comes through most in Jemima’s performances is her unforced and genuine passion for music and storytelling.
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